18 Hilarious Situations That Every Cat Owner Is Familiar With
Whether it’s watching them chase their tail for hours on end, hearing them meow at the door when they want to go outside, or catching them in the middle of a nap when you want to use the bathroom, there is no shortage of entertainment when it comes to cats. But what most people don’t realize is that, even though we all love our cats, we all experience similar situations in our homes. No matter who you are, you’ve probably been in at least one of the scenarios on this list. And even if you haven’t, you’ve probably been on the other side of them!
1. “I just tried to hold my husband’s hand and my cat was not pleased about it.” © Ijoinedforredditaww / reddit
2. “Apparently I’m not allowed to pee alone.” © ramonac**closer / reddit
3. Reaction to my vacuum cleaner ©monakanko / twitter
4. “For 5 months, my cat wouldn’t even look at his house. Now, the entrance is facing the ceiling and he loves it!” © lerencio / twitter
5. Open and shut case ©GallowB*** / reddit
6. “My cat hit me with a, ’We need to talk’ expression.” © Vuish / reddit
7. “He won’t let me grow any onions.” © Icetyy / reddit
8. “One morning I saw this...” ©Faina.ranevskaya / pikabu
9. “When you wake up a guy that didn’t let you sleep half of the night.” ©Mishasaf / pikabu
10. 9 cats in one ©Erilli / pikabu
11. Absolutely zero shame © shmieve / reddit
12. It must be so comfortable... ©JeepersJCreepers / reddit
13. “Saw this face in Egypt.” © asd2018 / pikabu
14. “We bought a new stove and our cat decided it was his new bed, so he’s there all the time now.” ©snowcaspian / twitter
15. He somehow fits perfectly in there © Mystifique / reddit
16. “Had to make a snuggle sling for my kitty since she kept jumping on the keyboard and distracting me from my paper writing.” ©smgarrison13 / reddit
17. “My cat is watching us eat with a sad face. He ignores all of his food but he wants my broccoli. I gave him a piece and now he wants more.” © Maria_Key / twitter
18. “My cat spilled soda on the table and got stuck to it with his bottom...” © sashalu_ / twitter
We're sure that getting a cat makes people's lives a lot more enjoyable, so here's a collection of photos to prove it.
1. “I just tried to hold my husband’s hand and my cat was not pleased about it.” © Ijoinedforredditaww / reddit
2. “Apparently I’m not allowed to pee alone.” © ramonac**closer / reddit
3. Reaction to my vacuum cleaner ©monakanko / twitter
4. “For 5 months, my cat wouldn’t even look at his house. Now, the entrance is facing the ceiling and he loves it!” © lerencio / twitter
5. Open and shut case ©GallowB*** / reddit
6. “My cat hit me with a, ’We need to talk’ expression.” © Vuish / reddit
7. “He won’t let me grow any onions.” © Icetyy / reddit
8. “One morning I saw this...” ©Faina.ranevskaya / pikabu
9. “When you wake up a guy that didn’t let you sleep half of the night.” ©Mishasaf / pikabu
10. 9 cats in one ©Erilli / pikabu
11. Absolutely zero shame © shmieve / reddit
12. It must be so comfortable... ©JeepersJCreepers / reddit
13. “Saw this face in Egypt.” © asd2018 / pikabu
14. “We bought a new stove and our cat decided it was his new bed, so he’s there all the time now.” ©snowcaspian / twitter
15. He somehow fits perfectly in there © Mystifique / reddit
16. “Had to make a snuggle sling for my kitty since she kept jumping on the keyboard and distracting me from my paper writing.” ©smgarrison13 / reddit
17. “My cat is watching us eat with a sad face. He ignores all of his food but he wants my broccoli. I gave him a piece and now he wants more.” © Maria_Key / twitter
18. “My cat spilled soda on the table and got stuck to it with his bottom...” © sashalu_ / twitter